
Solo Show
Gallery KC
2022, Gothenburg, Sweden

Plastic, an imitation of nature, an attempt to democratize the planet's treasures that are now destroying it. In Mythologies from 1957, Roland Barthes describes plastic as essentially alchemy. He sees the material as a miraculous substance, a transformation that gives man a hint of his power over nature.

There is no god, everything is coincidence. The art works consist of a material that contributes to mountains of trash in the oceans. Through the materials, questions about a future in which we foresees death are asked. Preserve us by nurturing what destroys us; destroys the body, nurtures the soul.

Fossil plastics and homemade bioplastic; an attempt to create a more durable material that can give the same aesthetic pleasure as the plastic that plagues nature. When it comes to aesthetics versus sustainability, where do we stand? What tools does the individual have to change the world? What is she willing to sacrifice in the belief that she can improve it?


Onnshinn Fanzine vol. 24


Me Watching Me Watching Me Watching Me